Sunday, November 4, 2007


Greetings! Pictured above is my team from shift this morning....Jenny, Jonna, Jordan, and Rochelle! By lunch time we were STARVING, so Jenny ordered INDIAN FOOD!!!! It came over an hour later, but it was warm and tasted like heaven!!! We were so grateful to enjoy such a feast for our busy birth shift!
After working swing shift from 2-10pm on Saturday, I was so tired. We had a pretty busy birth room and had to transfer one patient of mine and then two others during night shift. Then I worked this morning, I worked again from 6am to 2pm....not seeing Tim for 24 hours was tough since he had been struggling with a fever and chills....he is feeling much better....thank you for your prayers.

After my shift today, I went to DMC to check on the patients we had transferred last night and only found one. :( But she was doing great with her brand new baby boy. The other two were C-sections and were waiting for the busy operating room. But Susana (above) had her 7th baby without any problems! Praise the Lord! God is so good!

And then this morning at 7:35 am, I got to deliver my second baby at Mercy!

Below is Paula Samson...precious 6 pound 15 ounce baby girl. It was a great delivery and her mama (below), Cherry, did an amazing job!

Tired Bethany....cranky Paula!
Midwife B, Juamito (daddy) and Cherry (mama)
Yeah, that's little Paula! I was so grateful for my classmates' help today, too! They were awesome.....Jenny charted, Jordan assisted and Jonna supervised the whole thing and even had to do some manual extraction of a few pieces of her placenta and membranes because they were causing her to bleed! It was an interesting adventure! But all are healthy and doing great. I was humbled to be Paula's very first voice into the world....

And though Tim and I have no children....we do have our "little ones".....and they do what just what babies do, too!......Ummm.....poop, eat, and sleep! :) Yes, our bunnies (one boy and one girl) are growing big and it sounds like we're gonna have baby bunnies by Christmas to give away! AHHHHH! At least they have a midwife on call! :)

Thank you all for your prayers and comments on our posts...they have been an encouragement. We are really learning and struggling through what it means to be a "missionary" and how to bless people without trying to "change" them or expecting them to change. We are also learning how to be truthful, speak the words of Christ without being timid and how to face our fears knowing that Christ died for those, too. God has been so faithful.

It has been rough to be learning so much in the physical, experiential and in the spiritual! Whew....exhausting. But we know we are being obedient and as hard as it is, He has given us such peace and like Tim was sharing about Willy, God is giving us people to encourage us and speak the truth of who we really are. It's hard to see what God sees when all you feel is inadequacy.... and yet, God's strength is stronger than my greatest weakness.

Be blessed.


Anonymous said...

Congrats again! You are a natural and such a blessing to these Filipina moms and babies! The gals in my office here think you are a beautiful girl on the outside and are begining to understand, what I already know, the beauty you hold on the inside. Love you very much,

Anonymous said...

Hey Bethany, you look great!